
6 Surefire Ways to Save on Vacation Costs

Vacations can be expensive. Trips can easily cost $5,000 for a family of four. It’s no wonder why 658 million vacation days went unused in 20151. You deserve a vacation, so take advantage of some of these tips to help you cut the cost of your next trip.

Set a Travel Budget (and Savings Plan)

This should be the first thing you do. Know you want to take a family trip next year? Great! Research your destination, set a travel budget, and start a savings plan. Start a change jar, open a dedicated savings account. You can use the budget tool and a savings goal tracker within our Digital Banking.

Do Some Digging

Don’t assume the first price you find for a flight or hotel is the best price. Dig deeper! There are a lot of sites, like Travelocity® and Expedia®, which check multiple sources for the best deal. Try those. Or better yet, try one of these travel apps.

It’s All About the Timing

You hear this a lot, but that’s because it works. If you have a flexible schedule, try to travel during off-seasons. For example, traveling during holiday breaks is usually more expensive. To get even more detailed, FareCompare.com says the cheapest days to fly are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, while Fridays and Sundays are most expensive.

Try a Hotel Alternative

Obviously, the most affordable alternative would be to stay with a friend or relative, but that’s not always an option. To avoid pricey hotel rooms, you can look into sites like Airbnb, stay in hostels if you’re traveling abroad, or try Couchsurfing if you’re traveling alone.

Take Advantage of Kids _____ Free Deals

This is one area where you could save big bucks. Many hotels, museums, and other activities offer “Kids Stay/Eat/Enter Free” deals. Check with you hotel and research the area’s attractions to find the best deals.

Bring Snacks

Depending where you go and how many people you bring, food could be one of the major costs. Everything is more expensive in tourist areas. Packing simple, healthy snacks can help to curb the hunger that would have you reaching for a $6.00 hot dog.

If you’re taking a trip, try to avoid putting those expenses on your credit card. Debt can pile up fast if you don’t pay it off right away. Try one of our Personal Loans as a better option.

Connexus does not specifically endorse any specific travel sites or companies.


1 Source: “The State of American Vacation 2016: How Vacation Became a Casualty of Our Work Culture” study conducted by Project Time Off (http://www.projecttimeoff.com).