
Money Lessons We Learned From Our Fathers

To celebrate Father’s Day, we talked to the employees of Connexus about the best money lessons they ever learned from their dads. These are the best tips we gathered:

Genevieve Stockinger | Internal Auditor

My father taught me about finances mostly through example. He worked hard, he saved for his family, and we didn’t live outside of our means. Now that I have my own family, I am trying every day to live up to his example. And I know he is only a phone call away if I have any questions!

Mark Lewitzke | Electronic Funds Associate

What I remember my father telling me when I was growing up was:

  • Pay your bills on time
  • Pay your credit card in full each month
  • Save for the future
  • Do not buy something if you cannot afford it

Jerri Laswell | Member Financial Representative

My dad was, and still is, a very hard working man. The best money advice my dad gave me is to think about every purchase you make. Is it worth one hour of your pay? Now I always think of purchases in terms of hours of work. The second piece of advice is that money can’t buy happiness. Don’t fixate on becoming rich. Just find something you love to do and do it to the best of your ability!

Todd Brodjeski | Vice President of Indirect Lending & Loan Processing

My father had a very simple philosophy:

  • Work hard
  • Live within your means
  • Don’t be wasteful
  • Appreciate the value of $1
  • Create an emergency fund for life’s unexpected expenses

I still follow these guiding principles today!

Karen Luetschwager | Product Manager

My dad was a small business owner. He owned a veterinary practice in a small community in Wisconsin. As an entrepreneur, he struggled to fund his retirement because all the profits were poured back into the business and into taking care of his family, which included three small children.
During the era when small farms struggled and business was tough, he did what he had to do to survive, but did not properly prepare for retirement.
When I entered the work force, the first thing he told me to do was to pay myself first and to always utilize the retirement plans offered by my company to the fullest extent that I could afford. That way, when the time came to enjoy the fruits of my labor, I would be able to. I’ve never forgotten it.

Rebekah Huse | Indirect Loan Processor

My dad taught me the importance of saving and investing. I’ve had a savings account ever since I can remember that all my gifted money went into. As I got older, my dad helped me set up my first 401(k), in which he was super knowledgeable of how to invest and teach me how to keep an eye on it.