
4 Moments You’ll Wish You Had Mobile Deposit

The Mobile Deposit feature on the Connexus App is one of the most convenient parts of our Digital Banking platform. Instead of driving to a branch to deposit a check, you can deposit it in minutes with your smartphone. And it’s totally secure! It’s an easy way to save time and money.

But paper checks aren’t as popular as they used to be. When will Mobile Deposit actually come in handy? Here are four situations you’ll be glad to have Mobile Deposit in your pocket:

1. Weddings, Birthdays, Holidays, Graduations

Mobile Deposit is helpful for any event where you receive gifts. It’s not uncommon for guests to write a check as a gift. Instead of driving all those checks to the nearest branch, you can deposit them right from home.

2. Pay Day

If your employer pays you with paper checks, Mobile Deposit can save you regular trips to the branch. Whenever you get paid, you can deposit your paycheck immediately.

3. Tax Returns

Don’t wait to take advantage of your tax return money. Deposit it right away.

4. Rebate Checks

No matter what the rebate is for, if it’s a check, you can deposit it on the spot.

You get the idea. Mobile Deposit helps you save time, and it makes life easier for you. Experience the convenience today.

This feature is always evolving. Soon, you’ll be able to make loan payments and fund deposit accounts through Mobile Deposit! Want more info?

Learn more about the feature and how to use it.