Why Debit Cards Are Safer Than You Think

When it comes to spending, many people have a debit card at their disposal. However, it’s a common myth that debit cards aren’t safe. As a result, many people choose not to use their debit card. They’re actually safer than you think, so you have nothing to worry about.

How You’re Protected

When it comes to your debit cards, we have several precautions in place. For example, there’s a daily limit for cash withdrawals and purchases, and our cards include EMV chip protection.

We also have fraud rules that are constantly monitored by our expert Fraud Analysts. Our team is always monitoring accounts, and if it suspects fraud in any way, a member of that team will contact you immediately. For that reason, it’s important to keep your contact information up to date. Here’s how.

The biggest thing to remember is that you’re not responsible for fraudulent activity on your Connexus debit card, as long as you report it within 60 days. If you ever suspect anything, let us know immediately, and remember to always keep track of your account activity.

Using Your Debit Card: Credit vs Debit?

When you make a purchase with your debit card, you may be asked to choose between credit or debit. While both methods are safe, we recommend choosing debit and entering your PIN. Just be sure to protect your PIN from view when entering it.

Tips for Using Your Debit Card Safely

• Before swiping or inserting, make sure the card reader hasn’t been tampered with
• Track your account activity closely
• Only use your card on trusted websites
• Protect your PIN number
• Never give out your debit card information
• Set up account alerts (read more about these alerts)
• Report a lost or stolen card immediately